Large cascading failures in electrical grids are rare but catastrophic. In this talk, Dr. Margaret Eppstein will present new approaches for estimating this risk.
Dr. Zoe Todd (Métis) from Carleton University explores relationships between fossils, fish, fuel and kinship in the context of settler petro-politics in Alberta, Canada.
Pavan Racherla, Assistant Research Professor at UVM, will give a talk about sizing and siting energy storage for distribution circuits using a scalable approach to optimization.
DCF and the 250th invite proposals from students, staff, and faculty creating programming that inspires and sparks cross-campus dialogue:
Lenore Grenoble, John Matthews Manly Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Linguistics and Humanities Collegiate Division, the University of Chicago
The Guarini Institute's online OCP Application is due February 1st. Be sure to get all your documents and materials in before the deadline!