On October 9th, 2015, students from ENVS 17: Marine Policy traveled to the New England Aquarium (NEAq) in Boston to explore the exhibits and learn about the research, conservation, and education activities of the Aquarium. The trip is energizing to students and provides those who have not had much interaction with the ocean with the opportunity to directly experience the animals, plants, and ecosystems that we study. Analysis of the Aquarium’s educational activities on-site as well as talks from Aquarium experts provide real-world examples of NGO activities that affect policy-making on oceans issues. Students are further challenged to considered the efficacy and ethics associated with aquariums more broadly, including environmental impacts from the ornamental fish trade. All students process what they’ve learned by blogging about the trip. To see the complete blog please go to http://sites.dartmouth.edu/websterlab/teaching/new-england-aquarium-trip-blog-2015/.