Dr. Elena Finkbeiner, Conservation International's Center for Oceans
“Confronting a sea of change: Overcoming uncertainty and inequality in global fisheries”
Monday, May 6
2:00-3:00 PM
041 Haldeman
Description: Fisheries are critical for food and livelihood security for billions of people across the planet, yet face increasing uncertainty and inequality given climate change, globalized markets, and other large- and small-scale drivers of change. This talk explores the current challenges fisheries face within this context, and the potential for interdisciplinary research methods and collaborative impact initiatives to help elucidate adaptive strategies and solutions for increasing resilience and equality in fisheries worldwide.
Bio: Elena Finkbeiner is the Fisheries Science Program Manager at Conservation International’s Center for Oceans. She holds a master’s degree from Duke University’s Nicholas School for the Environment and a PhD from Stanford University. Elena is interested in understanding and improving adaptive capacity and equality within and across fishing communities and integrating a human rights-based approach to fisheries governance. She has over a decade of experience working in small-scale fisheries along the Baja Peninsula.
Free and open to the public.
Hosted by Michael Cox and Hunter Snyder.