Flora Krivak-Tetley is an ecologist with diverse research interests including forest demography, carbon dynamics, insect pest population dynamics, arid regions plant ecology, conservation biology, and social-ecological systems. Her current research focuses on three main areas: (1) modelling partial harvesting as an alternative to clearcutting in British Columbia's interior cedar hemlock (ICH) forests; (2) impacts and population dynamics of the invasive Sirex woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, in Spain, South Africa, Argentina and North America; (3) Integration of field-, drone- and remote-sensing methods to study the impacts of water availability and herbivore use on plant resources in the Namib Desert.
Biological Sciences
Bliss, S, A Hill, A Bramsen, RI Graziano, SP Sahagun, F Krivak-Tetley. 2023. Non-market distribution serves society in ways markets cannot: A tentative defense of food charity from small-town New England. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 13(1): 281-312.
Snorek, JL, J Loos, M Cox, T Shata, A Bowman, J Kramer, J Snodgrass, V Iniguez, R Finger-Higgins, F Krivak-Tetley. 2022. Care-based leadership in a core-periphery network: A South African case study in collaborative watershed governance. Ecology and Society 27(4): 34.
Kerby, J, F Krivak-Tetley, S Shikesho, and D Bolger. 2022. Livestock impacts on an iconic Namib Desert plant are mediated by abiotic conditions. Oecologia 199(1): 229-242. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-022-05177-w
Krivak-Tetley, F, JM Sullivan, JR Garnas, KE Zylstra, L Olaf-Hoeger, MJ Lombardero, AL Liebhold, MP Ayres. 2022. Demography of an invading forest insect reunited with hosts and parasitoids from its native range. NeoBiota 72: 81-107. DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.72.75392