Ross Jones has degrees in evolutionary ecology (Ph.D) and law (J.D.) and is a Senior Lecturer in the Environmental Studies Program. His interests include the interaction of science and environmental law with an emphasis on how well environmental laws and policies do, or do not, incorporate modern ecological concepts and methods.
Environmental Studies, Environmental Studies
Brooks, R. O., R. Jones , and R. A. Virginia . 2002. Law and Ecology: The Rise of the Ecosystem Regime. Ashgate Publishers Ltd.: Aldershot , Brookfield USA , Singapore , Sydney . 411 pp. For the series, Ecology and Law in Modern Society, R. O. Brooks and R. A. Virginia, eds.
Friedland, A. J., R. T. Jones, T. F. Gross, and S. D. Blackmer. 2004. Towards a Sustainable Northern Forest . Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 18: 1-22.