Dartmouth Events

Upper Valley Electric Vehicle Expo

As part of National Drive Electric Week come check out the latest electric vehicles, motorcycles, bikes, and lawn equipment!

12 pm – 4 pm
Dothan Brook School, 2300 Christian St (US Route 5), White River Junction, VT
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Clubs & Organizations, Exhibitions

Drop by the Upper Valley Electric Vehicle Expo on September 9, 12-4 pm at Dothan Brook School (2300 Christian St, VT Route 5) in White River Junction, VT. Free admission, refreshments, and test rides all afternoon, plus drop-in presentations 1-3 pm. All the latest electric cars, bikes, motorcycles, and even lawn tools will be on display—learn from your neighbors what it's really like to go electric. As if the cars and bikes weren’t enough, there will also be brief, drop-in presentations from 1-3 pm, and many local energy companies on hand to talk with visitors about solar, energy efficiency, heat pumps, modern wood heat, and more.

Pre-register online for a chance to win $250 and other prizes. Hosted by Vital Communities and Upper Valley Sierra Club. 

More at www.UVEVexpo.org
See you September 9!


For more information, contact:
Revers Center for Energy

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.