Dartmouth Events

Narwhals: Unicorns of the Sea, Researching an Arctic Legend

William W. Fitzhugh and Martin Nweeia present an illustrated lecture on a Smithsonian exhibition that explores the fascinating biology and history of narwhals.

7 pm – 8 pm
Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Films, Lectures & Seminars

Narwhals - "Unicorns of the Sea": Researching an Arctic Legend

William W. Fitzhugh and Martin Nweeia present photos and video on a new Smithsonian exhibition that explores the fascinating biology, history, and Inuit and environmental relations of this still-mysterious High Arctic animal. Drawing on new research on the tusk--the largest tooth in nature--and on research by scores of scholars working with Inuit collaborators, surprising new understandings are being achieved about this highly social but elusive creature  whose future is threatened by climate change and arctic development.

William Fitzhugh is director of the Smithsonian's Arctic Studies Center and a visiting professor at Dartmouth. Martin Nweeia is a practicing dentist with research appointments at Harvard, the Smithsonian, and other institutions.

Sponsored by the Institute of Arctic Studies at the Dickey Center for International Understanding. Free and open to all.


For more information, contact:
Sharon St. Martin

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.