"Ledyard Canoe Club: A History of Exploration and Adventure," an exhibit curated by Jaime Eeg '18 in the Class of 1965 Galleries at Rauner Library in Webster Hall, 4/15-6/15.
Ledyard Canoe Club: A History of Exploration and Adventure
In January of 1920, a group of Dartmouth students gathered together with the goal of restoring a rowing team to the college. They proceeded to procure pledges of financial support from various interested alums, and by March they had come up with a sufficient sum to get started. However, the College Trustees rejected the students’ proposal, and their plans were halted. Fortunately, these students refused to give up, determined as they were to take advantage of their proximity to the Connecticut River.
In April of 1920, a small group of Dartmouth students founded Ledyard Canoe Club after their bid to re-established a rowing team had rebuffed by the College. Imbued with John Ledyard’s adventurous spirit, Ledyard Canoe Club has motivated canoeing and kayaking expeditions around the world. Yet, no matter how far they travel, Ledyardites return to their little home on the Connecticut to encourage the next generation of Dartmouth paddlers.
The exhibit was curated by Jaime Eeg, a Rauner Student Research Fellow for the 2017-2018 academic year. It will be on display in the Class of 1965 Galleries from April 16th, 2018, through June 15th, 2018.
Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.