Dartmouth Events

DEC Lunch: Sizing and Siting Energy Storage for Distribution Circuits

Pavan Racherla, Assistant Research Professor at UVM, will give a talk about sizing and siting energy storage for distribution circuits using a scalable approach to optimization.

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Fahey - First Floor Commons
Intended Audience(s): Public
Registration required.

Sizing and Siting Energy Storage for Distribution Circuits using a Scalable Approach to Optimization

Thursday, February 21st
Fahey Hall - First Floor Commons


Utilities are undergoing a paradigm shift in their business model from primarily being electricity distributors to providers of a suite of value-added electricity services. Pavan Racherla will present a scalable optimization approach centered around system reduction that can be used to address associated problems such as the sizing and siting of energy storage. Optimization experiments are performed on a real distribution circuit in Vermont to identify scenarios that lead to the deployment of energy storage under high levels of distributed solar generation.

About Pavan Racherla:
Pavan Racherla is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Vermont. His research interests include electricity transmission & distribution systems modeling; optimal sizing and placement of energy storage for 3-phase distribution circuits; solar/wind-energy forecasting; and, the resource-constrained interplay between food, energy, and water systems. He has a PhD in Engineering & Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University (2007). He formerly was a climate modeler at NASA GISS (2009-2013).

Hosted by the Dartmouth Energy Collaborative (DEC)*
*The DEC is a partnership of the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society, the Revers Center for Energy at Tuck, the Dartmouth Sustainability Office and the Thayer School of Engineering

For more information, contact:
Irving Institute

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.